Considerations you should keep in mind when choose your tattoo style.
Possibly the best source of inspiration when looking for a tattoo is tattoo magazines, they often contain full-color photos of truly first-class tattoos. Look for designs in magazines, books, posters, stickers, and everything else you can come across.
Another approach is to visit tattoo studios in your area and look at the designs and photo displays on the wall or their album to search for inspiration, but keep in mind, don't limit your imagination to what someone else already has, be creative.
Consider get a tattoo that matches your career, hobbies, and talents, the image you choose will be a reflection of yourself. Consider the reasons why you want the tattoo in the first place. If you want to be expressive or body decoration, think about things that you enjoy or have meaning to you.
If your tattoo is to honor someone else or to express your strong feeling to your loved ones, think about the things they enjoy the most and what message you want to pass on.
Talk to a tattoo artist whom you respect and ask for suggestions. You don't have to draw the image yourself, but express your true feeling to the tattoo artists and listen to their suggestions
Decide whether you want your tattoo in black and gray, or full color. Any design or image you find can be altered, or the colors can be changed, use your imagination.
Do a global search on Internet(http://www.tattoo-symbol-design.com/), the more specific you know the style you are looking for, the better return you will get. Be prepared searching for the particular tattoo design style you have in mind, don't get swamped by the overwhelming returns.
Browse through our Tattoo Picture Gallery , you are guaranteed to get inspiration from the huge collection of tattoo pictures.
Take your time, remember, the tattoo you get will stay with you for your lifetime, this is not something you want rush into.
Source : http://ezinearticles.com/?Choose-the-Right-Tattoo-Design&id=45107