Those are three things you absolutely must know about if you want to choose great wrist tattoos for girls. Do you know what most people do, though? They get existed by the first hint of half decent artwork and settle on something that they will later regret. That's where patience comes into play, but how do you get a "good eye" when selecting wrist tattoos for girls?

This is something that most people never even think about, yet it's the most crucial aspect of picking tattoo designs. With out a good eye, you will end up settling on something generic, which always, always leads to regret. You need a good eye when it comes to three things: Color, shading and originality. Let me break these down for you, so that you know exactly what to look for when it comes to any design choices you might want when picking wrist tattoos for girls.

* Ankle tattoos. Tattoos here are hot! I highly recommend considering getting tattooed on the ankle. These are also easy to hide if you work in a formal environment.
* Wrist tattoos. These kind of tattoos are gaining in popularity. Many girls choose to get tattooed on the underside of the wrist. Cute stars or hearts look really good here.
* Stomach tattoos. A nice motive here looks really good if you have a good slim body. It's a bit of a risk getting it here though, because if you ever get out of shape, this wont look that good!
* Neck tattoos. More and more girls are getting tattooed on the back of the neck. Stars is a common design choice for neck tattoos.

This is something that most people never even think about, yet it's the most crucial aspect of picking tattoo designs. With out a good eye, you will end up settling on something generic, which always, always leads to regret. You need a good eye when it comes to three things: Color, shading and originality. Let me break these down for you, so that you know exactly what to look for when it comes to any design choices you might want when picking wrist tattoos for girls.

* Ankle tattoos. Tattoos here are hot! I highly recommend considering getting tattooed on the ankle. These are also easy to hide if you work in a formal environment.
* Wrist tattoos. These kind of tattoos are gaining in popularity. Many girls choose to get tattooed on the underside of the wrist. Cute stars or hearts look really good here.
* Stomach tattoos. A nice motive here looks really good if you have a good slim body. It's a bit of a risk getting it here though, because if you ever get out of shape, this wont look that good!
* Neck tattoos. More and more girls are getting tattooed on the back of the neck. Stars is a common design choice for neck tattoos.