Finding the perfect shooting star tattoo design can be a real pain, as you may have already found out. A lot of you have probably scoured the web, looking for great star artwork, but have probably fallen short of finding decent work. This is because the image that you are seeing has been plastered all over the place. It is also because even the great shooting star tattoo designs that you DO find are simply not drawn to actually be a tattoo. Remember, you don't have to settle for the free artwork you see on the internet that is plastered all over the place. You can easily find a great, original, shooting star tattoo design without having to settle for a Google search.
Tattoo styles are always changing, but is seems as if the star tattoo is pretty much staying the same, which says a lot, because you can be assured they your shooting star tattoo will keep with the times.
The shooting star tattoo design can mean different things to different people. For some, it might be a symbol of reaching ones ultimate destiny. For others it means there has been a significant change in ones life, such as a birth.
As a female, you still want your shooting star tattoo to be original, so you should not settle for a random star tattoo, no matter how great it is. Who knows how many females have that same one. You can always pick four or five of your favorite shooting start tattoo design and bring them to your favorite artist to have them render it into an original piece. Finding the perfect shooting star tattoo design can be a pain, but knowing the nautical meaning and where to find quality artwork should help in your search.