While the paste is drying, it is best to avoid contact with your henna body art. The henna is left on the body to ensure that the henna has time to stain the skin. Once it dries several hours later, you can scrape the henna paste off. The henna dye is then used to decorate the body. Sometimes, chemicals are added to create black or other colors of henna.
Henna body art is a brownish-red color in its natural state. When mixed with oil, the henna powder turns into dye, or paste. Henna powder is made from dried plant leaves. Henna tattoo kits are relatively inexpensive and come with detailed instructions.

This herbal powder is also applied to the hair for special ceremonies. Henna is a traditional body art used often in India on the hands and feet. Today we will talk about using henna as body art. Yesterday, we discussed temporary tattoo alternatives.